Thursday, April 28, 2011

- malunyerrr~ -

uhuhu..hari yg agak memalukan..uhuhu.. td pg my parent suh amik adik yg bru balik dr kedah.. tp bukan amik kt Stesen Bus Larkin..kt stesen bus pekan Tiram ni je..ehehe... "......... ibu : kamu nti amik adik kamu... Me : me?? ibu : bawak kete..amik kt Tiram je......Me : takut la bu... Ibu : practice!....Me : erk......yer la....."

s0..dgn pnuh cnfident..ku bwk kete..mula2..ok..reverse dr garage umah..kelua ke jalan besa...smooth je.. TIBE2...opss! kete dpn break mengejut..kt bukit lak lg..hik2..aku pun break terkejut...and as expected.. dut..dut..dut...engin kete pun mati..alamak..! start.. masuk gear..asal x gerak2..cluth x tekan hbs kot!..wat lg skali... tekan cluth bagai nk rak..masuk gear 1..lpskn handbreak... aish~~! asal still x gerak2 lg ni.. adoi~ l0r..x start upenye..punyelah nebes gile~ tgh2 alam lak engin kete tu ley mati..alhmdulillah xde kete kt belakang..try dkt 3x start.msuk gear..tekan clutch hbs.. alhmdulillah gerak.....ok2....keep moving...

then..smpai 1 simpang 3 ni...tibe2 engin cam nk mati lg..alamak~ and kebetulan de satu kenderaan la 2,3 mamat.. knderaan diorg kt simpang..kire nk kelua ke jalan besa..ahahaha.. bole pulak btul2 dpn kenderaan diorg..engin kete ku cam terbenti2..ala2 hidup segan mati x mahu. malu gilerrr.. tepat2 kt dpn kenderaan diorg..kete aku terus cam nk mati.. ya Allah...dr aku terhegeh2 and wat malu diri sndiri, aku terus prking tepi jalan and terus engin kete mati. ahahahhahaha..diorg pelan2 lalu sebelah and senyum smpai telinga..msti diorg sakan gelakkn aku..huh! uhuhuhu.....uhai~ mencinye~!! ^__^v

adik2 aku yg ikut gelak je..ahahaha..mmg biaq pi la..yg pentg aku da displayed P sebesar2 alam kt cermin kete dpn blakang..then...kereta ku terus bergerak and menyusur ke pakan tiram.ehehehhe.. smpai bro yg bawak..hehehehhe....

                                      1:41pm, 29/04/2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

- aduh! -

adesss....kenape la rs cam xde life je skrg ni.. cam byk bende yg x settle... kenapela i rs malas yg melampau2 ni..  nk buat keje smua jd malas~ <ish3..xm0 aina..xm0!!>  tp xde la tahap malas yg membunuh..
i ttp kms td..i masak nasi ayam madu..alhmdulillah jd..hik3..<berkat refer kt 3 resepi yg i amik kt tenet and cmbine> ehehe..cuma...brg2 dr uia x hbs lg kemas..nek penuh bilik ngn brg2 yg i x tahu nk letak mane sbb my r0om looks like insufficient space. hurm...

hurm...ape nk jd aina?? adess~ 1 more family smua da risau tgk my weight..ahahaha... berat mata memandang..fahami la kalian..berat lg badan memikul..hik3..hurm..yup mummy...i'm on my way to reduce my my sis said.."u keep talking about diet3 for many3 times..but theres no change in ur weight.. aisshh!!". ahaha...c0ming s0on l0ng......kot..ehehehhe..

it same g0es to my cam blurr cam nk td0 je..<hah! membute plak....mana x bulat> adeh! xpe...i dalam usaha nk memperbaiki diri..mgkin sbb i gemuk ke org yg i sayang x appreciate i? dulu my ex suka compare my 'beauty' ngn girl2 yg suka dye.. xpe2..mentang2 kite x cantik..gemuk.. time dpt je prm cantik..trus tgglkan kite..hurm.. xperla. yg penting..kamu bahagia and happy! ehehe..i x kesa.... 

skrg..i xda so-called boyfriend. tp i de minat sgt2 kt sorang hamba Allah ni..hik3..dye da ade gf i x kesa..i dpt knl dye pun..i da rs happy sgt3..smua kwn bek rumet n even my family tahu pasal dye.. n smua sedia mklum yg i syok habis kt the same time..smua tahu insan teristimewa i ni dah ade gf. saje i bgtahu diorg..lau x..diorg dok usik2 i..sdgkn kawan i tu dah ade kire brani mati expose yg i syok sndiri kt public..kih3....^__^ first time ever in my life.........lalalala~~~

for now..dgn mud yg agak ngah d0wn..i x rs nk pk pasal llki..even jelez sgt2 tgk kt fb kwn2 dok tunang and kawen sana sini..yg tukar status relationship dr 'single' --> 'in relationship'.. uish..igt x jelez kite..um0 da 24..tapi single lg.ahahha.. kwn yg dlm pr0cess knl hati budi pun xde...kecuali insan teristimewa i tu...mmg i text/call dye je..ehehehe..bukan nk kacau bf kawan kot..........t0 his gf.. i'm really sory for crazily falling in love with ur man...............='(

hurm...i kna take corrective action ni......if org yg i sayang x ley nmpk and appreciate i..i shud appreciate diri i sndiri.. at least..i akan happy cam kwn2 i yg len..ehehe..tgk kwn yg xda bf..happy je..i yg pnh ade bf..tup2 kna tggl sbb bf i de prm len..ad0i~~~<malunye> xpe la..eheheh..len org..len2 dugaannya.. ehehe

ok....cukup kot luahan tuk ari ni.ehehehe.... for u ainaa shazwani...appreciate y0urself!!! be happy!! weeeeee v^___^v

24/4/2011. 4:05pm

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

- my ONLY one -

just now...i called my sweetheart..
s0 long not hearing any news about him..=(
hurm..he involved in accident few days ag0..
alhmdulillah hes ok...but with minor injury..
pity on myLove...but hopefully..everything will be fine 4 him....

he did ask me..d0 i have someone else??
did i already have boyfriend since lately i'm rarely contact him..

d0 i??
how could i see other guys while all my heart only LOVE him.....?
how could i looking for someone else while my mind only THINK of him...?
how could i want some else while all i wanted is only him....?

people might think i badly crazy about him..
yes! i think s0..
as my best friend used to say..
"its obviously that i've fallen for him...totally fall for him"
i once cried heavily when something unexpected happened between us..
and my friend said....
"...seriously..u love him too much! .."

what should i do..
i can't keep him off of my mind..
though....i'm not text or call him for days...
but....hes always cross my mind...always!
and always will be ~
it simply because....

1:50am, 20/4/2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

- Father of Sleepy -

i'm pretty sleepy..
n0pe2..i'm s00oooo sleepy....
but i've s0me works to d0..
but..why IIUM's wireless is SO SLOW..??
i cannot d0 my job faster..
have to wait..and keep on waiting..
huh.....makes my eyelid is alm0st....ttuuuttt..... -__-'

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

- Butterfly in da Stomach -

the sound of my heart keeps increasing as my first paper gonna be started s0on..
ya Allah...please help me my Lord...may all the materials i've read will not be forgotten in the exam hall.. amin...

7/4 -> MT
8/4 -> MMS
9/4 -> SBM
12/4 -> RT
13/4 -> MIP

aja2 aina..fighting~!! 
<assume this support is come from Mr.Muchuk> hik3.. ^__^v

Monday, April 4, 2011

- Smile -

i said to my best friend...

"...i'm sad...."

then she replied...

"...but u're always smile...i can't see your sadness.."

..i smiled..and then I replied..

" fact..i'm so sad...."

she starred at me...and then said..

"...even u're smiling.laughing.....but i know..u're sad ainaa.."
i saw her..and smile again..less than 5 second...i replied.

" me..deep inside my heart..i fell so sad..too sad...." 

and then i smile again.....

.............she smile at me..and said...

"...u're strong my dear..u always hide ur sadness...even i can see your tears...but u still keep on smiling....."

....speechless for a while...

and then i simply replied...

"..i want to make my friends i have to smile.."
" can make us happy..."
"..its ok to smile even u're sad..because by smiling..u can make others smile too."

"..that is the power of smiling ^_^.."

12am, 5/4/2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

- Where are You??-

hurm...risaunya...i can't reach him tru his mxis number..
awk tukar no ke my dear? ke awk block saya? ='(
da benci sangat ke awk kt saya? ='(
i faced all this things while my love for you stay still like before..='(
i love u as much as i love u in our happy time..and
it never been decreased even for 0.1%....='(

my dear.....i'm really sorry for all mistakes i've done...
but trust me my sweetie..i never meant to hurt you..='(
i try my best to make u happy..
but sometime..without i realize..i'm hurt u...
i'm really sorry for that...and i'm really sorry...

you know how much u mean to me? ='(
you know how important you are to me? ='(
please come back my sweetheart...please....='(
i really miss u....='((

1:52, 4/4/2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

- Mr Right -

finding not about..
finding someone that we want to live with.. is about..
finding someone that we can't live without...

...good luck guys in finding your true love...^__^v

may Allah always bless us...

- Silence Mode -

silence doesn't mean I LEAVE YOU..
silence doesn't mean I HATE YOU....
silence doesn't mean I WON'T YOU...
silence doesn't mean I'M NOT MISS YOU..and
silence doesn't mean I'M NOT LOVE YOU...

..but..its just a condition when i feel you are no longer NEED me..

- Destiny -

hidup ini tak selalunya cerah..dan tak selalunya indah...kadangkala....kita sangka panas hingga ke petang..rupanya hujan di tengah hari...kadangkala kita sangka bahagia milik kita hingga ke akhinya.. rupanya dugaan dan cabaran datang bersilih ganti.......sedih?? sape yg tak sedih.. muka tersenyum..tapi jauh di sudut hati...hati ini sering menangis.. tapi yakinla pada Allah.... DIA Maha Adil dan Maha Penyanyang..tidak akan DIA biarkn hambaNYA terus berada dalam kedukaan dan kesedihan..di sebalik hujan yang datang..akan mucul sang pelangi yang mengembirakan......dugaan buat hati kita tabah...sabar dan tidak mudah putus asa...


12:15, 3/4/2011

- My Sadness -

....only for my Mr.Muchuk....

I MISS YOU so much..but seem you are no longer interested to entertain all...='(
i'm so be honest..i'm so sad..... 
...n0pe..i'm VERY sad...
i used to leave you...
it's not because..i won't you...
but it simply...because..u've someone else...
i know..i know it well...
you are happy with someone else right now..
what i can d0..='(
d0 you love me?? don't you?
do you miss me?? don't you??
is it I'm easily to be forgotten? ='(
is it I'm so meaningless to y0u?? ='(
is it I'm not worth for you at all? ='(

U used to say...U love me so damn much..T__T;
U used to say...don't ever leave U..T__T;
and U used to promise...that U will never ever leave and let me g0..
but now..i'm not more that an abandoned gurl..T__T;

why don't you hold my hand...??
so that i can forever stay by yourside...T__T
it is our promise right? ='(
thats the only thing i most wanted from you...
you know i'll never leave you..
never ever...='(
but now....
i realized..u're no longer want me...='(
u're no longer love me...='( and
u're no longer miss me..='(


but always remember my pr0mise my dear..
my l0ve for u will never end...and
i will love you till my last breath....
so that I can be around whenever u need me.....

i will stand in the same place...
place whenever you make me happy...
and place whenever you make me sad..
i'll wait for you...='(

take care my sweetheart...='(
always take care of yourself..='(
i'll not bother you anymore...='(
i wish u happy with your beloved ones..

T_T; ..........ILOVEYOU myLove....... T_T;

11, 2/4/2011